Can we really eat our way to reverse global warming?

Regenerative Agriculture refers to the processes of grazing and growing that serve to reverse global warming by drawing down carbon, restore soils and increase biodiversity.  

It's co-creative with the soil and with human and non-human life.  And it's not new.  It's rooted in lived and evolved indigenous wisdom; in the common wealth of land for all and the human right to grow our own food and communities - a right denied so many and for whom reparations are needed.

As a regenerative food business, we connect farmers and growers who work in earth-friendly ways, directly with the end consumers - our lovely customers.  And if they love what they're eating and start asking - we have a conversation about the bigger stuff.  Whether carnivore, vegetarian or vegan - we're only as healthy as the soil we farm on. Mono-cropping vegetables and tractor-kill are as devastating to our planet as feed-lot farming. Both are terrible.

The only real question with regard to our food is "Is what you're eating produced in ways that regenerates or degenerates the soil?" Regenerative agriculture is one of the most effective solutions to reversing global warming.  But it's just a starting point.  Regenerative needs to include community, health, justice .

It's so much bigger than that grass-fed and finished steak on your plate.  But it's a great place to start.


Climate Beef